In our multi-age classroom, the oldest children become the models and inspire the youngest members of our classroom, while consolidating their own knowledge, concepts, self-confidence, and sense of responsibility. Children entering the program should be 2 1/2 years of age and toilet trained.
Our program strives to accommodate and build on the natural needs of children, focusing on understanding and developing positive behavior. The lessons are presented individually as well as in small groups. Students are encouraged to explore and experiment so that their curiosity is both challenged and rewarded. The materials are attractive and inviting so that they capture the interest of the child. Through repetition of the materials students refine their skills and are able to teach themselves. All the materials are arranged according to the subject areas. Children are free to choose the materials and activities to work and explore independently after they have had a lesson on this activity. Our program includes the following subject areas: - Practical Life - Sensorial - Language Arts - Mathematics - Science and Nature - Botany and Zoology - Geography and History Our curriculum is further supplemented with activities in areas of Music and Physical Activity. We introduce baking and cooking. We have our own garden in which the children have an opportunity to plant, water, take care of and observe their plants. |